Robert Gray, Jr. has set the bar pretty high for the men in Georgia, and at the rate the video and slideshow are traveling around the internet, the men of the US had better be on notice. Gray planned his proposal for more than a year and included dozens of roses (some were gold dipped), 50 family and friends, 10 hotel rooms, and prayerful consideration.
Photographer Ross Oscar Knight captured the romantic moments for Gray. According to the Atlanta Courier Journal story, the couple never intended for their private moments to be spread across the US, but the “AWWW” factor has made the term “viral” jump to mind. The video was passed from the couple, to several of the people that attended, to their friends, to other friends and over 100 million hits later, Knight had to take the video off the net because of the traffic. Knight’s photography is beautiful and emotional. He captures the moment with a photojournalistic style. His blog is insightful and visually stunning as we get to peek into this creative mind. He has now been added to my homepage.
Men can sometimes create their own stumbling block when it comes to a memorable, meaningful proposal, but it can be done. As my husband has said many times, “Men are wired to do. That’s why when it comes to shopping, men decide – I need a shirt. Go to the store. Buy a shirt.” (In his best caveman voice) Sometimes, men just need to open up to their friends and brainstorm or consult someone to give them ideas. An exercise that may help some men come out of their shells involves things like making a list of all of the things you love about your lady. Develop your own style and emotions (eek!! That word used when talking to some men is worse than a cussword in church on Sunday morning.) and if you need it ASK FOR HELP!! Whether it is from a co-worker, friend or family member, help is not a four-letter word. (well, yes it is- but not a bad one) There are certain memories that women keep. Engagement proposals are one of the dearest; make it special for her.
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